
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/cairo_1.8.8-2_win32.zip http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/cairo-dev_1.8.8-2_win32.zip http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/libpng_1.2.39-1_win32.zip The first

contains the required /include subfolder, and the last two

will give you two required dll files in /bin subfolder.

Does it really matter? There is no filename collision between these packages.

No, I just wanted to correct error, and make exectly true instructions if something goes wrong.

Hmmm, unfortunately you are right. :( I was sure these two dll's are enough. I my case these two find found friends in c:\Program files\Common files\GTK\2.0\bin. I GUESS they are installed with GIMP 2.6.0. But in my case they are compatible with the latest cairo and get no GPF. Here is full farm of required .dlls:

C:\harbour\contrib\hbcairo\tests>dir *.dll
 Directory of C:\harbour\contrib\hbcairo\tests

2009-08-27  00:19           859.585 libcairo-2.dll
2006-10-16  03:25            53.248 xmlparse.dll
2006-10-16  03:25            81.920 xmltok.dll
2009-09-02  23:26           223.915 libpng12-0.dll
2006-10-16  03:25            59.904 zlib1.dll
2006-10-16  03:25           181.333 libfontconfig-1.dll
2006-10-16  03:25           455.680 freetype6.dll
               7 File(s)      1.915.585 bytes

I've also tried my own cairo dll. Here is full set of files:

 Directory of C:\harbour\contrib\hbcairo\tests\tmp

2009-12-01  00:15           625.664 fancytxt.exe
2009-11-25  02:13           473.600 libcairo-2.dll
2009-09-02  23:26           223.915 libpng12-0.dll
2006-10-16  03:25            59.904 zlib1.dll
2006-10-16  03:25            59.904 libz-1.dll
2009-12-01  01:00            16.201 fancytxt.pdf
2009-12-01  01:00            62.920 fancytxt.png
2009-12-01  00:59           349.696 libpixman-1-0.dll
               8 File(s)      1.871.804 bytes

libz-1 is just a copy of zlib1.dll, libpixman-1-0 actually should by a part of libcairo-2.dll, but it is not statically linked. I guess its possible to force to statically link pixman and zlib into libcairo.dll.

I general it's not a nice picture...

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