
Did you checked message included below ?

As additional note, I tried to build current Harbour using OpenWatcom
1.7a in place of 1.8 and it fail to compile hbsha2.c

But we can forget OpenWatcom 1.7a

I updated results included below with a third computer:

Sempron 3000+, 1800 MHz, 128 KB, socket 754, ...
( First version based in Athlon 64 with AMD64 disabled )
1 Gb RAM
( Same environment as Dec 2008, new OpenWatcom, new Harbour )

David Macias


I brought back to life my computer Athlon XP 2400+ used in tests in
Oct-Dec 2008, mainly for:
- Confirm if failures are due to brand/processor architecture
- How it compare with current status/tests

and remember:
So we faced two problems:
- GPF in MT related to devices input, solved? removing -s
- Slow, freeze, hangs, ..., un-solved yet

A big note:
- Maurilio was using OS/2 SMP kernel
- I was using eComStation 1.2MR, OS/2 4.5, both tested in two machines

Here is the summary

You can download:

They contain output for each test
Nomenclature are:
where type:
 o: original SVN
 5s: 5r->5s
 s: -s removed
 5ss: 5r->5s, -s removed

( t_w* are old tests and can be ignored )

You can review individual items in tests, specially those with larger
times ( 200 or more seconds )
There are an strange result for t_5ss_std.txt in third test so maybe
speedtst.prg need some fix

Harbour 13035
OpenWatcom 1.8

Below are results using:
   hbmk2 -m -n -w -es2 -l -kmo -gc3 speedtst.prg
   hbmk2 -m -n -w -es2 -l -kmo -gc3 -mt speedtst.prg
      speedtst.exe --thread
      speedtst.exe --thread=2 --scale

and in same order

Changes of switchs in os2\ and hbmk2.prg

I added results for Core2Duo for easy comparison between:

Athlon XP 2400+, 2000 MHz, 256 KB, 266 MT/s, ...
1 Gb RAM
( Same environment as Dec 2008, new OpenWatcom, new Harbour )

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.00GHZ FSB1333 6MB 775 ...
2 Gb RAM

We can see immediatly:
- My Athlon computer are alive  :-)
- speedtst complete all tests with Athlon, so state changed

Some changes in OpenWatcom - Harbour - speedtst.prg in these months
fixed our second problem and does not happen:
  "Slow, freeze, hangs, ..."

But a quick comparison, if it is valid:

From old message:
( Athlon, -DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC excluded in that time, -s removed )
hbrun_mt.exe speedtst.prg
[ total application time: ]...................................258.61
[ total real time: ]..........................................263.15

From current test:
with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC, -s removed
[ total application time: ]...................................160.10
[ total real time: ]..........................................159.50
[ total application time: ]...................................106.97
[ total real time: ]..........................................107.81

and another comparison:

From old message:
( Athlon, -DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC excluded in that time, -s removed )
hbrun_mt.exe speedtst.prg --exclude=mem --scale --thread=2
Remain doing something elsewhere
After 1 hour 40 minutes, I cancelled it

From current test:
with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC, -s removed
[ total application time: ].....................................0.13
[ total real time: ]..........................................623.09
[ total application time: ].....................................0.10
[ total real time: ]..........................................467.99

As conclusion things are changed

Perhaps more tests changing switches can give us more information

Aditional info:
- Overall time ( builds, tests )
 Core2Duo: 2 hours
 Athlon: 3 hours, 45 minutes
- Harbour build time using OpenWatcom in Athlon:
  Oct-Dec 2008: 8 minutes
  Today: 22 minutes
  Harbour build time has been growing
  In last months using gcc335 it goes from 15 to 32 minutes and gcc4xx
from 25 to 52 minutes
  I made individual tests building new libraries (recently added) and
.dll files, and they do not justify all increase in time
  My conclusion is that Harbour build time growing is due to changes in
Harbour internals in recent months

- In many tests there are not too much difference between Athlon and
Core2Duo and it is easily explained by clock speed ratio (3/2 Ghz), so
Athlon performance is better in those cases

David Macias

Original SVN, with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC

[ total application time: ]....................................76.03
[ total real time: ]...........................................81.69

[ total application time: ]....................................84.23
[ total real time: ]...........................................83.81


Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]....................................80.23
[ total real time: ]...........................................79.92

[ total application time: ]....................................88.94
[ total real time: ]...........................................88.68


[ total application time: ]....................................58.26
[ total real time: ]...........................................59.71

[ total application time: ]....................................63.26
[ total real time: ]...........................................63.95


Original SVN, with (-DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC)

[ total application time: ]....................................36.65
[ total real time: ]...........................................36.59

[ total application time: ]....................................48.52
[ total real time: ]...........................................48.37


Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]....................................36.13
[ total real time: ]...........................................36.01

[ total application time: ]....................................45.90
[ total real time: ]...........................................45.78


[ total application time: ]....................................15.55
[ total real time: ]...........................................15.54

[ total application time: ]....................................23.42
[ total real time: ]...........................................23.87


with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC, 5r -> 5s

[ total application time: ]....................................74.77
[ total real time: ]...........................................74.38

[ total application time: ]....................................84.77
[ total real time: ]...........................................84.32


Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]....................................83.26
[ total real time: ]...........................................83.80

[ total application time: ]....................................89.90
[ total real time: ]...........................................89.62


[ total application time: ]....................................60.71
[ total real time: ]...........................................60.69

[ total application time: ]....................................64.71
[ total real time: ]...........................................64.66


With (-DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC), 5r -> 5s

[ total application time: ]....................................37.61
[ total real time: ]...........................................37.52

[ total application time: ]....................................48.19
[ total real time: ]...........................................48.10


Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]....................................37.32
[ total real time: ]...........................................37.43

[ total application time: ]....................................46.00
[ total real time: ]...........................................46.00


[ total application time: ]....................................16.65
[ total real time: ]...........................................16.58

[ total application time: ]....................................24.68
[ total real time: ]...........................................24.59


with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC, -s removed

[ total application time: ]...................................124.39
[ total real time: ]..........................................123.87

[ total application time: ]...................................160.10
[ total real time: ]..........................................159.50

[ total application time: ].....................................0.26
[ total real time: ]..........................................574.75

[ total application time: ].....................................0.13
[ total real time: ]..........................................623.09

Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]...................................131.90
[ total real time: ]..........................................132.12

[ total application time: ]...................................181.74
[ total real time: ]..........................................183.01

[ total application time: ].....................................0.16
[ total real time: ]..........................................633.60

[ total application time: ].....................................0.19
[ total real time: ]..........................................929.93

[ total application time: ]....................................98.13
[ total real time: ]...........................................99.67

[ total application time: ]...................................106.97
[ total real time: ]..........................................107.81

[ total application time: ].....................................0.03
[ total real time: ]..........................................281.51

[ total application time: ].....................................0.10
[ total real time: ]..........................................467.99

with -DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC, -s removed

[ total application time: ]....................................89.94
[ total real time: ]...........................................89.73

[ total application time: ]...................................111.23
[ total real time: ]..........................................110.86

[ total application time: ].....................................0.16
[ total real time: ]..........................................109.20

[ total application time: ].....................................0.19
[ total real time: ]..........................................437.33

Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]....................................89.94
[ total real time: ]...........................................90.98

[ total application time: ]...................................113.26
[ total real time: ]..........................................113.13

[ total application time: ].....................................0.10
[ total real time: ]..........................................114.32

[ total application time: ].....................................0.29
[ total real time: ]..........................................445.05

[ total application time: ]....................................56.55
[ total real time: ]...........................................56.33

[ total application time: ]....................................70.03
[ total real time: ]...........................................69.96

[ total application time: ].....................................0.06
[ total real time: ]...........................................69.75

[ total application time: ].....................................0.06
[ total real time: ]..........................................277.91

with -DHB_FM_STD_ALLOC, 5r -> 5s, -s removed

[ total application time: ]...................................126.74
[ total real time: ]..........................................126.24

[ total application time: ]...................................159.42
[ total real time: ]..........................................158.79

[ total application time: ].....................................0.26
[ total real time: ]............................................0.00

[ total application time: ].....................................0.32
[ total real time: ]..........................................614.77

Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]...................................142.61
[ total real time: ]..........................................142.91

[ total application time: ]...................................190.84
[ total real time: ]..........................................192.27

[ total application time: ].....................................0.19
[ total real time: ]..........................................618.15

[ total application time: ].....................................0.13
[ total real time: ]..........................................962.32

[ total application time: ]....................................99.19
[ total real time: ]...........................................99.25

[ total application time: ]...................................107.16
[ total real time: ]..........................................106.98

[ total application time: ].....................................0.06
[ total real time: ]..........................................275.80

[ total application time: ].....................................0.03
[ total real time: ]..........................................473.34

with -DHB_FM_DL_ALLOC, 5r -> 5s, -s removed

[ total application time: ]....................................91.29
[ total real time: ]...........................................91.01

[ total application time: ]...................................110.74
[ total real time: ]..........................................110.32

[ total application time: ].....................................0.29
[ total real time: ]..........................................108.59

[ total application time: ].....................................0.35
[ total real time: ]..........................................435.16

Sempron 3000+
[ total application time: ]...................................105.52
[ total real time: ]..........................................105.27

[ total application time: ]...................................120.48
[ total real time: ]..........................................121.18

[ total application time: ].....................................0.16
[ total real time: ]..........................................131.98

[ total application time: ].....................................0.19
[ total real time: ]..........................................479.82

[ total application time: ]....................................57.26
[ total real time: ]...........................................57.75

[ total application time: ]....................................71.48
[ total real time: ]...........................................71.26

[ total application time: ].....................................0.03
[ total real time: ]...........................................69.19

[ total application time: ].....................................0.00
[ total real time: ]..........................................278.17

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