So how about removing -s switch altogether for watcom/os2 
in both our make system and hbmk2?

For the reason that a slightly slower, but working app is 
better than a failing app.


On 2009 Dec 6, at 11:26, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:

> Przemek:
> >> "-s" is used to avoid "stack overflow checking", as OpenWatcom doc >>state:
> >[...]
> >I know what it does ;-)
> I am in exercise of collect and present info  :-)
> >it's necessary only for C code calling APIENTRY16 functions.
> >In whole Harbour SVN code only in GTOS2 such functions are used.
> >If you do not plan to create and compile such C code using hbmk2
> >then it's not necessary to modify hbmk2.
> OK
> >> Tests with gtos2, gtstd, gtcgi lead us to find as conclusion problem
> >>is
> >> related to "input devices" in threads except 1 (keyboard, mouse, ...)
> >> Failed with gtos2, gtstd but not gtcgi
> >Please check if using current clean SVN code without any modifications
> >you create working speedtst binaries using:
> >   hbmk2 speedtst -l -kmo -mt -gc3 -gtos2
> >to test execute them using:
> >   speedtst.exe --thread
> >This is necessary to confirm that current workaround is working for
> >GTOS2.
> >Then please rebuild only speedtst using:
> >   hbmk2 speedtst -l -kmo -mt -gc3 -gtstd
> >and repeat:
> >   speedtst.exe --thread
> >if it does not work then we can try to use the same hack for GTSTD
> >and check if it help. It will be an answer if it's enough to activate
> >debug code to check stack overflow exactly for function which calls
> >APIENTRY16 function or it's enough to make it on any upper level.
> >This information will be usable in bug report for OpenWatcom users.
> >Then I'll try to create small self contain example to exploit the
> >problem.
> With Harbour 13140:
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]hbmk2 speedtst -l -kmo -mt -gc3 -gtos2
> Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 13140)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2010,
> Compiling 'speedtst.prg'...
> Lines 1204, Functions/Procedures 79
> Generating C source output to 'speedtst.c'... Done.
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]speedtst.exe --thread
> [...]
> [ total application time: ].....................................0.19
> [ total real time: ]...........................................23.47
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]hbmk2 speedtst -l -kmo -mt -gc3 -gtstd
> Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 13140)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2010,
> Compiling 'speedtst.prg'...
> Lines 1204, Functions/Procedures 79
> Generating C source output to 'speedtst.c'... Done.
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]speedtst.exe --thread
> 2009.12.06 03:56:34 OS/2 4.50
> Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 13140) (MT)+ Open Watcom C++ 12.80.8 (32-bit) x86
> THREADS: all->56
> N_LOOPS: 1000000
> [ T000: empty loop overhead ]...................................0.00
> ====================================================================SYS1808:
> The process has stopped.  The software diagnostic
> code (exception code) is  0001.
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]hbmk2 speedtst -l -kmo -mt -gc3 -gtcgi
> Harbour 2.0.0beta3 (Rev. 13140)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2010,
> Compiling 'speedtst.prg'...
> Lines 1204, Functions/Procedures 79
> Generating C source output to 'speedtst.c'... Done.
> [E:\harbour911b\harbour\bin\os2\watcom]speedtst.exe --thread
> [...]
> [ total application time: ].....................................0.39
> [ total real time: ]...........................................23.90
> As before, gtstd fail with GPF too, and gtcgi does not
> >Thank you that you refreshed my mind but now we know more then when
> >I wrote above text. I.e. we confirmed it's OW problem and we found
> >workaround for it by enabling debug code which checks stack overflow.
> >This code more or less indirectly resolves the problem. It's possible
> >that it simply initialize some internal OW structures not initialized
> >when thread is started so maybe it's enough to call any function
> >compiled without -s as workaround. In such case instead of compiling
> >GTOS2 with stack debug code we can simply add single function in
> >separate
> >.obj file which will be executed just after starting new thread. Above
> >GTSTD tests can give the basic answer if it's possible or not.
> For me we are in same state as in 12-16 November 2008, but with new Harbour 
> and OpenWatcom and without slow-freeze in MT with "-s" removed
> Now we only added selective removing of "-s" in specific places, but real 
> cause of GPF and solution are un-known yet
> For this reason I suggested to review/recall old messages, and to contact 
> OpenWatcom developers for deeper research
> >It doesn't matter. Functionally both make the same.
> >It's only important you try clean SVN code without any local
> >modifications or HB_* envvar settings.
> It was done in this way, thanks
> David Macias
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