>> No educated bug report, but just now I tried to 
>> coppy/paste some text from OS X Mail to my app 
>> running GTXWC, and the app just hung with 100% 
>> CPU consumption.
> Please always try to replicate the problem in reduced example.
> In a while I'll commit small modification to tests/gtkeys.prg
> which allow to retrive text from Clippard buffer by CTRL+INS
> and set new text using CTRL+END.
> Just use it for tests. In my Linux box all works as expected
> without any problems.

I'm already testing (BTW Ctrl+Ins and/or Ctrl+End doesn't 
work in OS X terminal in gtrm and/or GTWXC GTs, I didn't 
make exact notes, just changed them to simple chars). 

I've also found a cycle in my pasted text processing loop 
which may go infinite, but I have to check what exactly 
happens there which doesn't happen on win. After that 
point I use hb_keyput( <cString> ) to push the content to 
the keyboard. Anyway I'll get back with the results ASAP.


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