On 2010 Jan 6, at 23:11, Bisz István wrote:

> Hi Viktor,
> We should made changes in a way that a "general user isn't affected" if it
> is possible. This is a general rule in every system life cycle.
> No problem we can handle it, as we are in development phase, forget it.

Sorry I don't understand what you mean :(

Affected by what exactly? default hbcppmm setting? 
Generl way of handling hbmk2 options? Method to 
control this setting?

If the first, I shall remind everyone that HBQT is 
in alpha stage, so we should rather focus on finding 
and fixing its bugs, and general user isn't the 
primary target audience yet.

Anyhow hbcppmm is probably better to be enabled 
even on the long run as its likely to give better 
performance at least on Windows systems. We can 
fine tune that later. First it should work.


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