Hi All,

[ Update: Covering better the context of the docs
  ("source" vs. "target" format). ]

What we've decided/know about doc source files so far (update #3):

Medium: Harbour SVN
Location: <pkgroot>/doc/<IETF language code>/<type><filename>.txt
Format: NANFORUM (see: /doc/hdr_tpl.txt)
Codepage: UTF-8
Target format: any (.html, .pdf, .rtf, .dbf, ...) [not subject of this document]

is empty for core functions residing in /src.
is '/contrib/<package-name>' for contrib libs.

<IETF language code> examples for some languages:
en - English (generic)
es - Spanish (generic)
hu-HU - Hungarian
pt-BR - Portuguese (Brazil)

'func_' - .prg level function
'class_' - class
'pp_' - preprocessor directive
'cmd_' - command
'cfunc_' - .c level function

should be the function name "prefix", this can 
be the namespace ('hb_lib', 'ord'), or first one 
('a', 'f') letter, or complete name of function 
being documented ('tbrowse'). Always lowercase, 
long filename allowed.

 /doc/en/cfunc_hb_fs.txt - containing hb_fs*() (FSAPI) functions.
 /doc/en/func_hb_bit.txt - containing HB_BIT*() functions.
 /doc/en/func_hb_f.txt - containing HB_F*() functions.
 /doc/en/func_hb_os.txt - containing HB_OS*() functions.
 /doc/en/func_ord.txt - containing ORD*() functions.
 /doc/en/class_tbrowse.txt - containing TBROWSE() class.
 /doc/en/func_a.txt - containing all A*() functions.
 /contrib/hbsqlit3/doc/en/func_sqlite3.txt - containing all SQLITE3_*() 

[ I'm sending this off of my draft folder, pls continue 
to work on it. ]


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