Hola Teo:
¿cómo puedo obtener wxHarbour con el SVN?

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Hi Teo:
WxHarbour how I can get the SVN?



Teo Fonrouge escribió:
Hello Marco,

On Apr 8, 2010, at 7:23 AM, marco bra wrote:

Many thanks  to Premzek and Viktor for the clear answer.

Surely i will send some note to the developer of wxHarbour BTW i was solving this compiling samples issue with this statement:

make HBLIBSTYPE=shared

The samples coming into the wxHarbour directory structure have singles GNUmakefile, one for directory and these files seems to be auto generated by http://www.bakefile.org <http://www.bakefile.org/> as far i can read in all the GNUmakefile files header, i suppose Bakefile tool don't generate hbmk2 make statement (i don't know that tool).

The hbmk2 utility is working ok in the wxHarbour library.

To build the library:

1. Change to your current wxHarbour directory:

$ cd wxHarbour

2. Build the lib using hbmk2:

$ hbmk2 wxharbour.hbp

If all goes ok, then you can try to build a sample:

1. Change to any sample dir:

$ cd samples/dbf_ctrls1

2. Build the sample using hbmk2 with the wxharbour.hbc file:

$ hbmk2 ../../wxharbour.hbc dbf_ctrls1.prg

3. If all goes ok, then run the sample:

$ ./dbf_ctrls1

Please test after SVN:

Revision: 572
http://wxharbour.svn.sourceforge.net/wxharbour/?rev=572&view=rev <http://wxharbour.svn.sourceforge.net/wxharbour/?rev=572&view=rev>
Author:   tfonrouge
Date:     2010-04-08 23:19:11 +0000 (Thu, 08 Apr 2010)

best regards,


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