
On 2010.05.10 12:20, rafa wrote:
Well, times;
1 thread    = 29 minutes THE WINNER!
4 threads  = 93 minutes WoW!
7 threads  = 68 minutes
5 Threads = 64 minutes

It seems disk io is the bottle neck. You can try to use memio driver to create index in memory, and later write it back to disk.

            aadd( aThreads, hb_threadStart( @crea(), cAlias,cExpr,
cFileNtx, cFor, nPos, nPosLinea ) )
proc crea( cAlias, cExpr, cFileNtx, cFor, nPos, nPosLinea )
       Local nContador := 1

        hb_dbRequest( cAlias, , , .T.)  // Restaura el alias
        if empty( cfor )
            INDEX ON&(cExpr) TO&(cFileNtx) ;
        hb_dbDetach( cAlias )          // Libera el alias

These crea() threads do not help to do any valuable job. Function aCreateIndexe() starts a separate crea() thread for each index tag, but indexes are not created in parallel, because only one thread has attached area.

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