Hi all,

ANTIGUA 15190, 1220-1230, BBCWS Relay May 10 news and current affairs in
English for Central- and South America. (TR)

KOREA-SOUTH 15210, 0940-0955, Radio Korea International May 10 weak and
fluttery signal with talk in Korean, occasionally rising to fair levels.

MALAYSIA 15295, 1610-1630, Voice of Malaysia May 9 Arab service with
news and ID '...min Kuala Lumpur' at 1615, very good signal with slight
QRM from RFI on 15300 and slow fading. (TR)

MIDDLE EAST 15500U, 1520-1550, UNID May 10 presumed MARLO station, today
with comparatively good audio in the peaks, but deep fades and splatter
from 15505 R. Kuwait, music and occasional announcements in Arabic
language with something in English which sounded like an e-mail address,
unfortunately I yet again heard no ID, today there were some folks
talking in USB on the same frequency as well, couldn't make out the
language, maybe some half-hearted attempt to 'jam' the 'MARLO'
broadcast, at 1548 there was an announcement with a phone no. (which I
didn't get) like Jari Savolainen has already reported, then back into
Arab style music. (TR)

NIGERIA 15120, 0924-0940, Voice of Nigeria May 10 news and current
affairs in English, talk about 'LRA' rebel activites and displaced
people in Uganda, press-review of several African countries, very good
signal with only slight fading. (TR)

73 de Thomas Roth, DL1CQ
53º32'58"N - 9º58'00"E
ANT: Dipole 32m long

 A wise man makes his own decisions
  A weak one obeys public opinion
        Credo Quia Absurdum

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