Hi all,

GHANA 4915, 2155-2203, Ghana BC 1 May 21 some sort of discussion with
two male and on female speaker in presumed Hausa, some English words
thrown in for good measure, very solid signal, almost arm-chair copy, at
2200 ID 'The time is ten o' clock. This is Radio Ghana', then into
English news bulletin. (TR)

MAURITANIA 4845, 2122-2135, RTV Mauritanie May 21 folk songs and
phone-in program in Arab language with some French here and there, solid
signal as usual with only slight fading. (TR)

MONGOLIA 4895, 2135-2145, Radio Ulaanbataar May 21 string instrument
(not unlike the Tibetan 'Piwang') recital, more less non-stop without
any announcements, //4830 kHz, both signals rather weak, deep fades and
some RTTY QRM. (TR)

NEW ZEALAND 15720, 2059-2115, Radio New Zealand International May 21
s/on with ID on 2059, then right into regional news about Papua New
Guinea and then international news focussed on the latest U.S. outrage
in Iraqi prison, weak and fluttery signal with fading but getting
stronger and more stable by the minute. (TR)

ZAMBIA 4910, 2145-2155, Radio Zambia 1 May 21 music program with male
host taking phone-ins in local language, reggae-style music with some
calypso elements (steel drums etc.), rather solid signal, not very
strong but stable, no QRM, no fading. (TR)

73 de Thomas Roth, DL1CQ
53º32'58"N - 9º58'00"E
ANT: Dipole 32m long
JVComm32 v1.40pre, MMTTY v1.65

 A wise man makes his own decisions
  A weak one obeys public opinion
        Credo Quia Absurdum

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