Hi all,

KYRGYSTAN 4010, 2257-2305, Radio Biskek, May 22, carrier as of 2257,
s/on with national anthem and ID at 2300, then into presumed news
bulletin by male speaker in Kyrgyz, weak signal with deep fades but
progressively stronger peaks. (TR)

SOUTH AFRICA 3320, 2317-2340, Radio Sonder Grense, May 22, male
presenter with phone-in program in Afrikaans, weak to fair signal but
getting stronger. (TR)

73 de Thomas Roth, DL1CQ
53º32'58"N - 9º58'00"E
RX: JRC NRD-525G, RA-1792
ANT: Dipole 32m long
JVComm32 v1.40pre, MMTTY v1.65

 A wise man makes his own decisions
  A weak one obeys public opinion
        Credo Quia Absurdum
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