QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:    Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

1215    GEORGIA, Georgian Public Bcst., heard at 2044 on 08 Dec in Georgian
w/many mentions of Tbilisi.  Tk/commentary by OM/YL and full ID after dead
air at 2100 w/ID as "Radio Eerti."  Mixing it up real good with co-channel
Iran, but Georgia winning most of the time with its 125 kW.  Fairly strong
signal but mixing and deep fades. Every single email address on their
website gets rejected as "does not exist" as does the one from WRTH 2008.
Does anyone have a working email addy for them?  Thx!

1413    OMAN, BBC Relay Station, heard at 2010 on 08 Dec with historical pgm
of music and clips from 1968.  Excellent signals.  This pgm brought back a
lot of memories.

7245    TAJIKISTAN, VoT, heard at 0945 on 08 Dec with "EG" program
consisting of continuous pop music and one EG annx at 0951.  Tajik
programming started at 1000 with some pretty dramatic martial mx, thundering
ID by OM, into soviet-style national anthem and long-winded station ID by
OM/YL.  Good sigs w/minor QRM from 7240 and splattery PBS Xizang.

7585    CLAN, Free North Korea R., heard 1500 on 08 Dec in KR w/long talks
by OM/YL, many mentions of Hangkuk.  Fair sigs w/moderate jamming and QSB.

9415    CLAN, Dem.V.of Burma heard at 1450 on 08 Dec in BR with listener
comments on the telephone and talk by YL/OM.  Excellent sigs w/o QRM.

11825   AUSTRALIA, RA heard 1400 on 08 Dec w/nx in Mandarin and station IDs.
Fair to good reception but fading deeply by 1415.  I miss the good old days
when you could hear them in English everywhere.  They were one of my
favorite stations to listen to.

11870   PHILIPPINES, R.Veritas Asia heard at 1327 on 08 Dec with annx by YL
in EG that there was a Hindi pgm coming up.  Same annx given by OM in HI,
then into HI pgm w/Father John.  Very strong sigs w/no QRM.

15540   AUSTRALIA, HCJB Australia heard at 1230 on 08 Dec w/EG religious
programming and IDs.  Poor sigs but no QRM.  Hard to dig out of the grass.
Xmsn aimed at SEA.


QSL Report:

AUSTRALIA, HCJB, 15540, f/d "Summer in Australia" eQSL in about 14 hours for
the above log!  eMail came from one "Margaret."  I think I could get to like
this eQSL thing....


Conditions sure were a little weird yesterday (the 8th) with fluttery
propagation all over mediumwave and many bands fading out early.  The first
snow had been threatening Afghanistan, but seems to have passed us over.

Best 73 de Al

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is
only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
- Mahatma Gandhi

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