QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:    Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

5770    MYANMAR, Myanma Army R., heard at 1325 on 26 Dec w/pop music and
male announcer in Vern.  I say Vern because WRTH lists langs "Bamar and
minority langs."  Not sure which I was hearing.  Weaks sigs w/deep fades,
but no QRM to deal with.  Rated at 10kW.

Well, all I wanted for Xmas was a Perseus, but instead I got a horrible flu,
the Afghan equivalent of a lump of coal.  This is one of those special kinds
of flu, where all one's bodily fluids try to leave at once because they know
the end is near and they don't want to be around when it happens.  I've had
some seriously bad luck with the flu here...

Hope everyone had a great Xmas filled with DX and family.

Best 73 de Al

"A good conscience fears no witness, but a guilty conscience is
solicitous even in solitude."
 - Seneca

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