QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:    Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

7105    POLAND, Polish Radio heard at 1630 on 25 Jan in D with news,
commentary and interviews.  Severely beaten about the head and shoulders by
China National Radio on 7110 who was splattering, rendering Polskie R.'s
signal almost useless.  Xmsn to central Europe.

7335    CHINA, CNR2/CRI CNR2 heard at 1545 on 25 Jan w/M pgming.  Listed CRI
was tuning up on frequency with the typical 1kHz tone every 10 secs or so,
completely ruining CNR2's signal.  Not only is this unprofessional, but it's
really uncool as well.  I think this is real proof that the Chicoms don't
care about who is listening to what, it's all about frequency occupation.
When CRI finally s/on at 1600 in M, their occupied bandwidth was over 20
kHz.  These jokers even jam and QRM each other.  Here's the kicker...after
about twenty secs of CRI pgming, there was an audio hiccough and it morphed
into Firedrake!

8400    CHINA, For whatever reason, I've got Firedrake here at 1518 on 25
Jan.  Never noticed them here before in the middle of the maritime mobile
band.  Not a harmonic or image and too clean to be a spur, so must be real.
WTF?  Fair to good sigs.  Wonder what they're jamming?

9000    CHINA, Firedrake jammer going full-tilt-boogie against Sound of Hope
at 1514 on 25 Jan, but SOH booming in lima charlie on 9450, at least until
sked'ed 1600 s/off.  Why are the Chicoms so scared of Falun Gong anyway?
It's not like they're scientologists or anything...

9415    CLAN (ARMENIA), Dem. V. of Burma heard at 1455 on 25 Jan in BR with
telephone interviews.  Distorted audio from telephone but signal very strong
and otherwise clean w/no jamming.

9450    CLAN (TAIWAN), Sound of Hope, heard at 1440 on 25 Jan w/a radio play
and assorted mx.  Pgm in M.  Entertaining even if I had no idea what they
were saying.  One character in English on the radio play was looking for an
international basketball team.  Lots of audience laughter.  Good sigs w/no
jamming.  Maybe the fiscal crunch finally hit the ROC's jamming facilities.

Well, this seemed to have been an evening for Firedrake and clandestines /
religious stations.  The Chicom jamming seemed to be rather prolific last
evening, even to the point where they jammed themselves as in 7335 above.

I am slated to go to Kandahar Air Base as early as next week for a short
time, so I may finally be able to track down the 6700 R. Solh xmsns, at
least from that base.

73s de Al

"He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material
shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive
bidding, discount discrimination--and taxes."
 - H. E. Martz

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