Very good. 8^D
Some comments below --

John Leo Zimmer wrote:
>Thanks, Jim!
>Below I include my corrected m2web.cgi
>for further suggestions and/or others' enlightement.
>Jim Self wrote:
>> This error indicates that the configuration of environment variable 
>> gtmroutines is not
>> quite right for linking in the VistA routines. The fix is probably a small 
>> edit to your
>> m2web.cgi file. You are very close since you have apparently connected to 
>> the VistA
>[jlz] exactly
>> Joseph wrote:
>>>....could you please give us a very brief description of the objective
>>>you are trying to achieve
>[jlz] Joseph, I'm getting ready for the tea party.
>        I expect to be able to show openVista
>        on GT.M
>        running on coLinux
>        running on WindowsXP
>        using   CPRS (on the XP and across the network)
>                Putty
>                m2web
>I have a lot of packaging to do before Boston,
>but all the pieces are in hand as of this evening,
>I've finished the Easter egg hunt phase of the project. :-)  :-)
>grandpaZ ...still some life in this old coot!
>#invoke GT.M for M2Web CGI
>export m2web="/usr/local/m2web"
>export vista_home="/home/johnleo/vista"
>### my installation
>export vista_source="/usr/local/OpenVistA"
>export gtm_sysid="vista"
>export gtm_dist="/usr/local/gtm"
>export gtm_source="/usr/local/gtm"
>export gtm_log="$gtm_dist/log"

The above line is not needed and Bhaskar has previously suggested that the log 
should not
be placed in $gtm_dist. For M2Web, Apache error logs seem to contain everything 
In particular, see /var/log/Apache2/vista_access.log and 

>export gtmgbldir="$vista_source/g/mumps.gld"
>export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r)
>$vista_source/o($vista_source/r $m2web/w) $gtm_dist"

Why do you have some routines in $vista_home and some in $vista_source? Are you
programming local versions of existing routines or new applications? Also, why 
do you have
$vista_source/r before $m2web/w? You must make sure that $vista_source/r 
contains no old
versions of ht* routines or v* routines, etc that might override newer versions 
in $m2web/w.

># MD5 Library external-call table
>export GTMXC_md5="$m2web/w/xc/gtm_md5.xc"

Above references a library function for doing md5 encryption. This is not 
utilized in the M2Web login. Instead the encryption in routine ^XUSHSH is used. 
on the version of VistA installed, that encryption is either very weak 
(OpenVistA) or
nothing (FOIA). I think I should offer either a version of ^XUSHSH that 
incorporates the
md5 encryption or a separate login for M2Web that uses it.

>cd $m2web/w

I cd to the w directory because it makes some things convenient for M2Web 
development, but you might well cd to something that suits you better, perhaps 

>#-- uncomment line below and copy to /var/www/vista/m2web.cgi
>$gtm_dist/mumps -r htCGI

This is from an older copy of M2Web. I currently use the following instead so 
that I can
use the script to access the GTM direct mode with the exact same setup:

if [[ -z $HTTP_HOST ]]
  then $gtm_dist/mumps -direct
  else $gtm_dist/mumps -r htCGI

>healthcare, a human right.
>knowing the hardhats, a privilege

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

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