Yeah, but it is the nature of the weak minded to look
for answers in superstition.  LOL.

Actually, my production system rarely needs to be
rundown.  But that is probably because I am now quite
careful with it.  But when I am configuring a new
system, I often have crashes that lead to the funny
behavior that I hinted at.


--- "Bhaskar, KS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Comment below.
> -- Bhaskar
> -----Original Message-----
> on behalf of Kevin Toppenberg
> Sent: Fri 4/1/2005 12:59 PM
> To:
> Cc:   
> Subject:      Re: [Hardhats-members] Fileman drop-out on
> pointer update
> Marianne,
> [KSB] <...snip...>
> Is this really a 'bug'?  Or is it one of those funny
> database-needs-to-be-rundown type situations?
> [KSB] Kevin, you are invoking rundown as if it is a
> lucky rabbit's foot to be kept in the pocket and
> touched for good luck.  Unless something is
> fundamentally flawed in how you operate GT.M, you
> should not need rundown.  Fortunately, it's harmless
> (the only time not to try it is when you are
> bringing up the computer after a crash like a power
> failure and you are about to do a mupip journal
> -recover -backward, and even there it's usually
> harmless).  The only time you would need it is when
> you are bringing up a database when something has
> gone wrong - like a system crash, and you didn't
> have journaling turned on, or when the last process
> accessing a database terminated abnormally (e.g.,
> someone issued a kill -9 on it).  It's also a quick
> way to see whether anyone is in the database, when
> you are powering down the system, or replacing one
> GT.M version with another.  At other times, it is no
> more than that rabbit's foot.
> -- Bhaskar

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