Hmm....I'm going to have to respond to this in more detail later (after I've had more of a chance to digest it). It is intriguing, though, because I tend to think of nondeterminism as providing a theoretical basis for analyzing recursion. But you will recall that I compared OOP to programming space rather than time (the idea being that a problem is solved by building a network of communicating objects rather then creating a set of procedural rules of the form "do this, and then this, and if some condition holds, this, etc.") But sorting provides a particularly simple case in which we see this same dynamic. There are well known recursive algorithms like quicksort, but happens if we unwind the recursion? Obviously, we end up with an explicit data structure that would otherwise be implicit in the call stack. To push this a bit further, the essence of data structures (like balanced trees, say) used in nonrecursive sorting algorithms is *locality*. The structure is not something that must be described globally, but the basic organizational rule involves just a node and some of its nearest neighbors. I'm struggling to come up with a good theoretical model here, but it seems to me that the principles of coupling and cohesion that I've been discussing are just locality in disguise.

Gregory Woodhouse

"The policy of being too cautious is
the greatest risk of all."
--Jawaharlal Nehru

On Jul 12, 2005, at 6:41 PM, Richard G. DAVIS wrote:

Well, Gregory, many folks miss the point about OOP. There is a simple and not too abstract characteristic of OOP that distinguishes it from classical programming. The rest of the putative differences between the two can be recognized as differences in terminology--often just nomenclature, much of which serves only the purpose of creating a justifying rationale for OOP.

What follows is a highly restricted explanation edited to make the text here
reasonable for an email discussion.

Consider a "master program", one that is not invoked by any other process. That master program can invoke one, or many, other programs as the program
developer chooses.

In classical programming, when the programmer inserts a phrase that invokes another program, that is a deterministic construct. The programmer knows (or, at least 'should know') as the code is written exactly what program
will be executed when that phrase is used to control the process.

The sole distinction in object oriented programming is the possibility that that same phrase that invokes another program is non- deterministic. There is always the 'possibility' that the program that is ultimately invoked may be a program about which the programmer has little or no knowledge. Even the nomenclature used by the programmer in the master program to declare the invoked program may not be that which is used to identify the program that
is ultimately executed.

In classical programming, when the master program invokes another program, the 'message' path between the master program and the invoked program has a length of ZERO. One example: the invoked program may actually be embedded
into the master program by the compilation process, which certainly
qualifies as a message path of length zero.

In OOP, though this may not usually occur in practice today, the message
path length between the master program and the ultimately executed
subordinate program MAY be longer than zero length. Moreover, the message path length and ramifications may differ from one invocation of the same named process to the next. It is the fact that OOP allows the invocation message path length to be greater than zero which given OOP the great power and scope of effect that is at the heart of all else that is thought to be fundamental to OOP. From this simple elaboration of program structure and functionality flows things like "inheritance". Inheritance is merely a system of formalizations that describe how the message path is governed as
to length and ramifications.

If one restricts the message path length to 'zero' all the semantic and
functional characteristics of OOP collapse, and you are back in the
classical programming world.

Note that 'encapsulation' is not a distinctive feature of OOP, although this organizational technique is given great emphasis in the context of OOP.
Encapsulation was used (maybe even developed initially) by the ancient
Egyptians to reduce the complexity of social systems to manageable
subdivisions. Encapsulation in software engineering is just as feasible in
classical programming with subprogram invocations being entirely
deterministic and using a message path length of zero.

There are many other issues raised in the context of OOP that are mistakenly presented as special to the domain of OOP, when they are much more general
and have a life that precedes modern OOP.



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