Are they on the same LAN? If it were me, I'd run netstat before and after to see if the initial connection was established and finally if there was a callback. I may be a bit behind the curve on Broker architecture, but your client machine may not be accepting connections from the server on whatever port it is trying to use. If this is the case, you may need to adjust your firewall settings (on your Windows system).


Gregory Woodhouse


"Design quality doesn't ensure success, but design failure can ensure failure."

--Kent Beck

On Jul 20, 2005, at 5:52 AM, Renee Cannon wrote:



If I run CPRSchart on the same machine as VistA, I am able to connect.  If I run from a remote machine, the login screen never appears.  I have a port listener on the server, and I see the client reaching it so I think my HOSTS file (on the client) is OK.  I have the same port open on my client firewall… what else should I check?


Thank you,


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