On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 20:09 -0400, Michael D. Weisner wrote:
> Could we put the weapons down, please?

Awww! :)


> I would appreciate it if you would expand on your reasoning for the
> selection of a particular product or library rather than just spar with each
> other.  There is much to be learned from an appropriate exchange of ideas.

Actually, the Irony hereis we are already doing exactly what Ruben
wants, its not Java and it uses gtk+

> I have no clue as to the difference between Java AWT and Java Swing, for
> instance.

AWT was the original Java GUI toolkit (Abstract Windowing Toolkit). It
was roundly rejected basically. Swing was their 2nd attempt at a gui
toolkit, it builds ontop of AWT, but includes a ton of new code and
APIs. It has been far more successful, and it with SWT (The IBM Java GUI
Toolkit that Eclipse uses) have become really the only two Java toolkits
in main use.

There are wrappers to other toolkits available in Java, but generally
people using Java go towards SWING or AWT without fail.


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