To export the globals ^%GO was used. For the globals not exported by ^%GO, the downloaded ZWR rouitne was used.
The routines were exoprted using the ^%RO routine.
On importing the files, fillowing is displayed
GTM>d ^%RI
Routine Input Utility - Converts RO file to *.m files.
Formfeed delimited <No>?
Input device: <terminal>: /home/cache/Routineshfs
Cache for Windows NT^INT,MAC^Routines on Cache at etl2 as on 20060331^~Format=Ca
%RO on 03 Apr 2006  11:03 AM
Output directory : /home/cache/OpenVistA/r/
Restored 0 lines in 0 routines.
Globals exported using ^%GO
Global Input Utility
Input device: <terminal>: /home/cache/Globalshfs
Globals of Cache on etl2 as on 2006031~Format=5.S~
03 Apr 2006   9:28 AM   Cache

OK <Yes>?
^%Z       ^%ZIS     ^%ZISL    ^%ZOSF    ^%ZRTL    ^%ZTER
noopen+19^%GI,%GTM-E-INDEXTRACHARS, Indirection string contains extra trailing c

Globals exported using ^ZWR
Global Input Utility
Input device: <terminal>: /home/cache/SpGlobalsHFS
Globals containing special characters on Cache at etl2 as on 20060331
Cache 03-Apr-2006 11:28:31 ZWR

OK <Yes>?
^%ZTER    ^%ZVEMS   ^JGH      ^RGED     ^ROUTINE
noopen+10^%GI,%GTM-E-RPARENMISSING, Right parenthesis expected
Am I still missing something?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maury Pepper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Converting a .dat file for use in GTM


When you run ZWR on Cache, the "Device" prompt is expecting you to provide a file name for saving the global.  There should then be a prompt for "All Globals?" where you provide the name of the global(s) you wish to copy.  This version of ZWR will blow up if you try to do ALL globals because some of the system globals are too long.

I can send you a different version of ZWR that attempts to do all globals (by skipping the known system globals) but it may need some editing if your Cache has any different system globals.

Also, it appears that the lastest version of Cache (5.1) will not run ZWR, so I guess it's time to look at it again (after all these years.)

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