There is a scanning program that the Hui folks have put together you can help 
test out if you would like and another one is in the works that should be 
available fairly soon.  Neither will involve forking code to my knowledge.

The one that needs testing is on my server at

On Thursday 01 June 2006 20:50, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
See below

On 6/1/06, Will Yonker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sure this has been discussed and I apologize if it has been beaten to
> death.  I looked through the archives for a while and didn't see exactly
> what I was looking for so I figured I would ask it.
> I have seen four major flavors of Vista.  Vista, HuiOpenVista, World Vista
> and VOE.  I've installed HuiOpenVista and all went well.  I just
> downloaded World Vista and will be installing that later this afternoon.
> It doesn't appear that I need to get a VAX machine to test out Vista but
> that's one of the big questions.

VistA is the code base that is maintained by the VA, and released to
the public domain.  Different people are working on optimizing VistA,
leading to the different packages.  But we are a close community, so
we all tend to share.  The HuiOpenVistA is the latest packaging, and
its the one you want to go with.  World VistA had a version, but its
not as up to date with patches etc.  Hui's package includes some
install scripts that greatly ease installation, from what I hear.

VOE is a program in progress with funding from CMS.  They are adding
some code to ease use in the private sector.  Much of the code that
they have funded has been added back into the VA stream, so that
future version of VistA releases will have this same code.  We have
all been waiting a long time for VOE to be released, but politics are
at play with that government program, and we still wait.

"It doesn't appear that I need to get a VAX machine to test out Vista but

> that's one of the big questions."

VistA is written to be platform independent, so you certainly don't
need a VAX machine!

> Is Hui and World Vista just packages for the Vista code with no additional
> functionality added?  If so, is the plan to stay that way?

The added functionality is along the lines of installation scripts,
good documentation, perhaps preinstallation of outside packages (like
VPE) etc.  But there has been great hesitation to fork the code base
to a degree that preclude taking advantages of future code releases
from the VA.

Neither of

> their Sourceforge project pages are very enlightening.  Hui appears to be
> using their sourceforge page to redirect all web traffic to their site
> (with some broken links).  I was not immediately able to tell how World
> Vista was different and the naming convention threw me for a loop (still
> don't get it).

Sorry about the Sourceforge confusion.  We all still have our day jobs
and don't always have time to create the shiny packages and great
documentation that we would all like.

> I haven't seen a road map for Vista.  If anyone knows of one, please let
> me know.
> My third question:  Can you scan images and attach them to a patient's
> file with any of these?

Yes, no, and yes.  Yes VistA has an imaging module that allows
attaching images to documents.  No you can't really use it without
purchasing an expensive core imaging plugin of some sorts.  But I have
done a software modification of CPRS to allow images to be linked to
notes (but again I face the forking problem--being now stuck with an
older version of CPRS).

> Sorry if these questions were answered.  Please just point me to the URL
> if so...

No need to appologize.  Welcome to the list.  Can you tell us about yourself?


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