Nancy wrote:
>The online VA Demo can be placed on your own machine by downloading it and
>following the instructions found in the same directory.  At the moment, it
>only runs on Cache and Windows.

I don't think that that restriction is strictly true. Certainly, CPRS runs only 
M$Windows, but we have had a GT.M loadable version of this VistA version for 
quite a
while. I am pretty sure that someone has configured it to run CPRS.

I loaded it onto a private server for use with M2Web. I intended to put it up 
demonstration on the web because it has a more interesting database of demo 
patients than
any of the other VistA distributions, but I got sidetracked with other projects.

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis
M2Web Demonstration with VistA

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