I reindexed the Clinical reminders. All 16 were successful without
errors except ^PS(55,

Build of Clinical Reminders index for global ^PS(55, completed.
Build finished at 06/07/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:48:34
25614 entries were created.
Elapsed time: 2 secs
1078 errors were encountered.
Another MailMan message will contain the error information.

Enter message number or command: 13
06/07/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:48  201 lines
From: POSTMASTER (Sender: IRM,MGR)  In 'IN' basket.   Page 1  *New*
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75549 D1=25092 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24997 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24996 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24995 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24994 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24993 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24232 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24020 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=75139 D1=24019 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=74026 D1=24570 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=74026 D1=24329 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=74026 D1=24163 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=74026 D1=24159 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=74026 D1=23896 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=73745 D1=25163 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=73745 D1=25162 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=73745 D1=24913 Unit Dose missing start date
GLOBAL: ^PS(55, ENTRY: DFN=73745 D1=24703 Unit Dose missing start date

Here is a frequent message from the reminders:

Index for file number 55NVA does not exist or is not complete.
Term 0 will not be properly evaluated!
Patient DFN=1, User DUZ=1, Reminder=113

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Woodhouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 3:34 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] HELP!! Expert Order checking is out of

--- Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I think they are there and the XTER doesn't look to me like it
> has 
> anything to do with it, so I have hit the wall for me, except maybe
> printing 
> out the symbol table right after you get the message - ZW for Cache
> or ZWR 
> fot GT.M

I don't know about that. Take a look at the specific line of code where
the UNDEF error occured. If the error wasn't handled properly, it could
have taken down a Taskman process, leaving resource devices in an
inconsistent state.

Unfortunately, a lot of programmers are rather cavalier about guarding
against errors (and will even argue that they should be!) There is also
the possibility of data corruption. You might want to validate the
(Fileman) file(s) involved.

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Metaphors be with you.

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