Agreed, Suchi.  It was the smoothness of package management & upgrades 
that made me switch from Red Hat / SuSE to Debian based distributions.  
I always partition my PCs with two root partitions, and on my laptop I 
run Kubuntu on one partition and Debian Unstable (which is actually 
quite stable) on the other.

-- Bhaskar

Suchi Pande wrote:

[KSB] <...snip>
> I don't know about the RH9 to centos move. But Debian and ubuntu
> upgrades are almost trivial and best not done with a fresh install. You
> just do an apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade. Or if you are
> using the synaptic GUI, it's all point and click I think. The catch is
> that you need to keep your specially compiled stuff installed with care,
> preferabty under home or /usr/local/bin/ to allow you to upgrade with 
> ease.

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