
Thanks for the references! I forgot about the Acculturation CD, but my 
only problem with it was the need to boot it. Most of my development 
time is spent in little snippets between patients and I need the 
computer booted with Windoze for my dictation system. I can PuTTY to the 
linux box between patients to play in my newly configured GT.M "sandbox" 
for a couple of minutes at a time but rebooting is a hassle.

As if you don't have anything else to do, what would be great is a set 
of the exercises (even just a mini "course" document with just written 
instructions) that could be run in a working GT.M/Linux environment with 
either a development or integration VistA system already installed. I, 
of course, have no idea how difficult this would be, but that's my $0.02 


K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
> Mike --
> Sounds like you figured out a safe way to do it.  If you ever want to do 
> VistA development, my wiki post on the recommended way to configure 
> development environments 
> (
> may be useful.  Also, for some background theory of operation, take a 
> look at the exercises on setting up development environments in the GT.M 
> Acculturation live CD (from
> Regards
> -- Bhaskar
> P.S. I did see a most amazing sight while camping - a stag beetle 
> attacking a frog perhaps 30 times its weight.  It had its jaws locked on 
> the frog's left arm and its legs dug into different parts of the frog's 
> body.  The frog was desperately trying to dislodge it.  If I were a 
> betting man, I wouldn't wager any money on the frog...
> Mike Schrom wrote:
>> Kevin, I replied to you off list.
>> My hunch was correct, modifying a different Linux user's .bashrc and
>> .bash-profile to remove references to VistA and set up separate
>> directories for GT.M routines and globals worked. With PuTTY, I managed to:
>> Using username "mschrom".
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
>> Last login: Thu Jul 13 09:34:53 2006 from doctor
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ gtm
>> GTM>S X="Hello World"
>> GTM>W X
>> Hello World
>> %GTM-E-ZLINKFILE, Error while zlinking "XUP"
>> %GTM-E-FILENOTFND, File XUP not found
>> GTM>
>> This generated a "file not found" error trying to execute any VistA
>> routine under that user, all while having VistA running in a separate
>> PuTTY session under username "vista". (Of course Bhaskar, would have
>> been able to set me straight and can confirm this if he makes it out of
>> the woods!) Now I think I can play in a "safe" sandbox without buggering
>> my VistA installation.
>> Mike
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