I tried that but wound up with ^XTMP("XWBLOG"_$J) being undefined. There 
were two errors logged, though, one in GTM_FATAL_ERROR.ZSHOW_DMP_4714_1:

                 ZDELAY  ZBFSIZE=1024 ZIBFSIZE=87380 NODELIMITER
         Indirection    ($ZTRAP)

17 pages! of



and a second in /home/vista/XWBTCPC.mje which said:

%GTM-F-STACKOFLOW, Stack overflow

Any help?


P.S. I've got to quit playing soon (or get yelled at for coming home 
late!), and have surgery tomorrow, so I likely won't get to this again 
before Monday.

Lloyd Milligan wrote:
> Mike, From your description, it is not clear that the problem is within the 
> application.  The first error in order that you report is connection lost. 
> A dropped connection could cause the 'list index out-of-bounds' error.  It 
> is possible that adding a title caused the amount of data returned on 
> entering the Notes tab to increase, which in turn caused a buffer overrun 
> (due to something wrong in the TCP/IP com), which caused the connection to 
> drop, etc.
> If the list index error really did happen first, then one way to investigate 
> this would be to enable verbose logging and check the rpc return at the 
> point of failure, and backtrack from there.  This wouldn't require 
> reinstalling anything.  Use XPAR MENU TOOLS option EP to set XWBDEBUG 
> temporarily to 'very verbose'.  Then examine the last part of the log in 
> Lloyd
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mike Schrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS crashes trying to open Notes tab
>> Good try, but wrong! Same messages, same crash. There seems to be
>> something wrong with the document definitions. I tried to edit them
>> through ^XUP and I get limted access, either through the 'only the
>> owner' or 'national- no edit' blocks. Through fileman, I can't change
>> attributes like 'status' unless I forcibly stuff (////) the attribute,
>> which then hangs when I try to access the note title again. I can't find
>> an option to delete them and start over, either. "@" doesn't work :
>> "required".
>> I may have to reinstall (and turn journaling on!) and start over. What
>> the [EMAIL PROTECTED] it's a learning experience.
>> Mike
>> Nancy Anthracite wrote:
>>> HA!  Bet if you log in as that sys admin, you won't get a crash.  That is 
>>> if
>>> your sysadmin has OR CPRS GUI CHART as a secondary menu, the ORES and
>>> PROVIDER  keys and the COR Tab.   Try it.
>>> On Thursday 20 July 2006 14:02, Mike Schrom wrote:
>>> No, I created them with fileman as sys,administrator; I'm trying to view
>>> them as provider through CPRS, I also run into a problem with Kevin's
>>> suggestion about deleting the added note titles: "only owner can
>>> delete", but I gave ownership to the provider personna, which doesn't
>>> have fileman access.
>>> Nancy Anthracite wrote:
>>>> Is the user who created the titles the same one who is trying to view 
>>>> them?
>>>> On Thursday 20 July 2006 12:16, Mike Schrom wrote:
>>>> I didn't log it (should have, could have, would have!). But CPRS does
>>>> briefly show the note titles before crashing, and the notes are
>>>> available in VistA.
>>>> Nancy Anthracite wrote:
>>>>> I bet it can't find your notes.  Did you happen to keep a log of what 
>>>>> you
>>>>> did when you added the note titles?
>>>>> On Thursday 20 July 2006 11:15, Mike Schrom wrote:
>>>>> Hiu OpenVista4 GT.M on CentOS 4.2. Using the 'old' broker. CPRS 1.25.42
>>>>> running on WindowsXP pro. Everything worked fine until I tried to add
>>>>> note titles. Also, I've done this on my one test patient. I may try
>>>>> another patient to see whether that patient's notes are the problem.
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> Nancy Anthracite wrote:
>>>>>> Not that I know the answer, but could you please tell us your setup -
>>>>>> VistA version running on what OS on the same or different network than
>>>>>> CPRS with what Broker, New or Original?  What is CPRS being run on?
>>>>>> On Thursday 20 July 2006 10:35, Mike Schrom wrote:
>>>>>> Tried to open the 'Notes' tab in CPRS and got the following two error
>>>>>> boxes:
>>>>>> 1) Error encountered
>>>>>> Function was: connection lost
>>>>>> Error: 0.
>>>>>> 2) Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address
>>>>>> 00000000.
>>>>>> Then CPRS crashed. I shut down the whole of VistA, found some orphaned
>>>>>> processes, killed them and rebooted. First, I restarted VistA and was
>>>>>> able to browse, enter and sign notes with no problems. Then I exited
>>>>>> VistA, started CPRS and was able to open every other tab, but when I
>>>>>> opened 'Notes', I got the same two messages followed by these two:
>>>>>> 3) Access violation at address 004DEDD3 in module 'CPRSchart.exe'.
>>>>>> Read of address 0000000F.
>>>>>> 4) List index out of bounds (0).
>>>>>> I repeated the process and got the same messages but in different 
>>>>>> order:
>>>>>> 1,3,4,2. Since VistA runs OK in "roll and scroll", I assume this is a
>>>>>> problem with CPRS or Windoze. Any Ideas?
>>>>>> Mike Schrom
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