The problem with US laws are that they simply do not address matter-of-fact infringements.

Simply put, you get caught downloading copywrighted movies or music, you pay the price. That is all that should be needed in the law books.

Instead we have an asinine set of laws that allow somebody to be imprisoned for simply trying to make a copy for themselves of material they lawfully bought, or exposing security flaws of software encryption because that is classified as "unlawful reverse engineering".

Personally, I don't there ever needed to be new laws about the same old crime - theft.

From: Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: The Hardware List <>
Subject: Re: [H] Speaking of cable issues...
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 16:56:55 -0300

At 04:37 PM 08/04/2005, Eli Allen wrote:
Ummm, I'm pretty sure Canada has copyright laws.

Yes we do. But we pay a tax on all blank media that is given back to the artists that we are supposedly robbing with each blank CD/DVD we use. We don't have the draconian (and questionable) copyright laws that exist in the US. We are working on getting these laws in place, of course, and then we'll have the taxes *and* the laws. That'll be fun.


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