Bullshit, charge them the fee, reformat then charge them to setup the system & network to properly defend them against future problems. That is a much more efficient use of their funds then cleaning a system that may or MAY NOT be clean when you're done. It also frees your from the nightmare of what they may have had installed causing you problems that you can't track down.

In the my shop days we mostly did this because surgery was so hit or miss but we charged 3 hours to reinstall. More in some cases where the tech's were slow and the owner insisted that we charge even though it was the techs speed, not the real time it should have taken which I did not agree with,

Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 09:47 AM 19/07/2005, Christopher Klein wrote:

 When I get a customer who has an insane amount of
spyware, I try to take it home with me.  If I can
watch TV, or do something else while running the scan
I don't charge them nearly as much...maybe an hour
total depending.

That's my approach as well to onsite calls.


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