To get bonded is nothing.. just have no felony convictions, have insurance, and 
pay a very small fee.  It's nothing.

-----Original message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:39:27 -0500
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] Disposable computers

> At 12:21 PM 19/07/2005, Ben Ruset wrote:
> >The one thing that GS has that nobody else can touch is the "brand." Most 
> >customers (lemmings) feel safer dealing with a big name company rather 
> >than Joe Blow Computer the sole proprietorship. It gives customers a sense 
> >of security in that they have a large company to hold accountable when 
> >there are problems.
> The problem with small companies that there are a good number of rip off 
> artists out there, and once someone is burned by a small shop, he/she is 
> leery to try another one.
> >In addition, GS members are also insured & bonded. How many local techs 
> >can say the same?
> I'm insured, but not bonded.  Is that something I should consider?
> T 

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