have access to two but only use one. will give it a real good look see

At 09:39 PM 8/4/2005, Wayne Johnson Poked the stick with:
At 11:55 PM 8/4/2005, FORC5 typed:
crap, still running 193, worth it ya think ?

Do you only use one news server or do you have multiple installations to accommodate multiple servers? There are many other new features as well. Many people complained when 2.0 came out saying that the upgrade wasn't worth it but this is the most extensive upgrade ever for Forte' & if I don't mind saying so we beta tester's [the core group anyway] busted out gluts testing the heck out of it. Forte' also promise that the next upgrades will begin testing very soon so there won't be the long lag that plagued Agent in the past.

IMO it's very worth it even if you use only one main server for your NGs. Of course there are many free news servers out there as well. I wish I could tell you about the future features that are planned but I'm sworn to secrecy.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805
< http://www.wavijo.com>

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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