If you're cracking hydrogen in your car why would you need to fill up at a 

>From: Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed Aug 17 13:56:41 CDT 2005
>To: The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
>Subject: Re: Re: [H] Gas prices

>At 03:52 PM 17/08/2005, Gary VanderMolen wrote:
>>Did someone repeal the laws of physics and chemistry?
>>It takes more energy to crack water than you get back when
>>recombining the hydrogen and oxygen.
>I think that report was a misunderstanding of the technology.  The idea is 
>to use solar power in a large plant to crack water into hydrogen.  You 
>would fill up with hydrogen at a gas station, and burn it in your 
>car.  Hummer is releasing a model that does this as well.  Hydrogen is an 
>energy carrier like oil, it isn't free energy.

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