I am all about Ethanol. Unfortunately in the US the corn farmers are pushing 
for it. Making Ethanol from Corn is the most inefficient way of doing it, and 
supposedly yeilds less energy than what was spent in producing it.

Making Ethanol from sugar cane, as Brazil has done, makes MORE energy than what 
was spent in producing it, and has limited Brazil's dependance on foreign oil.

>From: "jeff.lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed Aug 17 15:43:42 CDT 2005
>To: The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
>Subject: Re: RE: Re: [H] Gas prices

>Hell, we can grow ethanol. Read the stars, guys, we are getting screwed! The 
>oil companies have been crying for years that oil prices are way behind 
>inflation. I say, so what! I thought the idea was to keep inflation down in 
>the first place. The Government needs to include fuel and food in the 
>inflation indicators. Of course, if they do prime interest rates would be at 
>50% or more by now!
>We have plenty of alternatives to gas and battery....so why not use them? We 
>all know why. I think if this keeps up, and I see no reason for it not 
>too(with the oil companies' and Arab greed....can you say jihad in 
>disguise), we will see a flood of small companies offering conversions to 
>anything from chicken manure to corn flakes.
>BTW. Our new piece of crap Governor just signed a 9.5 cent increase in our 
>state gas taxes......highest in the US......again! OH......$6.00 per carton 
>increase for cigarettes, $6.00 per gallon booze, reinitiated the only estate 
>taxes, and a whole lot more. We really need that right now!
>Sorry....had a senior moment and had to get that out. My fixed income will 
>go up about $2.50 a month. Chris, you're right....I will not do math in 
>From: "Ben Ruset" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: RE: Re: [H] Gas prices
>>A few years ago BMW showed off a 5 series that ran off water. It cracked 
>>the water into hydrogen within the car itself.
>> Of course that tech won't ever see the light of day. :(
>>>From: 007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Date: Wed Aug 17 13:26:05 CDT 2005
>>>To: The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
>>>Subject: RE: Re: [H] Gas prices
>>>The most fuel efficient cars use heavy water.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Christopher Fisk
>>>Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:16 PM
>>>To: The Hardware List
>>>Subject: Re: Re: [H] Gas prices
>>>On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, Ben Ruset wrote:
>>>> It's funny, though, that the gas companies are posting record profits.
>>>> So I really wonder how much of this is an increase in oil price, and how
>>>> much is just an excuse to charge more for gasoline.
>>>I look at it this way, assuming that a gas company wants to make 5% profit
>>>on every gallon of gas, it's in thier interest to have thier costs go up
>>>5% because then thier profit goes up too.
>>>Instead of making 5cents on gas that costs them $1.00 to make they make 6
>>>cents profit on gas that cost them $1.05 to make (Or similar, you get my
>>>point =)
>>>Also, the gas we have now was made with oil that cost $50/barrel instead
>>>of oil that cost $65/barrel, yet we're being charged the $65/barrel price!
>>>Christopher Fisk
>>> Lisa Simpson on chalkboard in episode BABF07

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