When they come out with LED room lights I'll buy them. Last Spring I converted all the incandescents in my apartment to compact fluorescents for $30 and each one uses 26 watts for 100 watt equivalent output. Who cares if it doesn't make short term economic sense, I have lower electric bills and they won't have to be replaced for 5-7 years (if the claims are acurate).


----- Original Message ----- From: "Stan Zaske" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Hardware List" <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [H] Gas prices

of the over 50% that we import. A better idea is to ban all incandescent lights for compact fluorescents which only use 1/4 the energy! There are

I thought LED's had beat out fluorescents on efficiency. Correct me if I am wrong. Many people died at a major intersection close to my house. People ran red lights at this intersection because they were speeding and approached the intersection far too fast for conditions. They did not realize the red light was there until it was too late. Flashing caution lights to warn of a traffic light ahead were installed several years ago. This slowed down the collisions (people call them accidents, but rarely is a collision an accident, but the results of negligence and easily preventable) at that dangerous intersection. Recently they installed LED traffic lights there. Now the flashing caution lights on approach are useless (except in fog) because the traffic light can be seen brightly for miles against any background.

The point here is the LED's are at least 10 times as bright as the lights they replaced and my guess is they use 10% or less energy to operate. LED traffic lights do not "turn" (you can see regular bulbs dim as they go off and brighten as they come on). LED traffic lights "snap" (quick change) and that, in itself gets your attention even if you are 2 miles away!

I hope LED's are applicable to most all lighting applications, especially street lights, where energy consumption is a major factor in where street lights are installed.

Please do not laugh at me if all of your traffic lights are LED's. We are still in the stone age here in Albany, GA and only about 15% of our traffic lights are LED's. I recently had an LED brake light installed on my motorcycle for safety purposes.


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