At 11:42 AM 8/25/2005, Thane Sherrington typed:
At 12:35 PM 25/08/2005, FORC5 wrote:
not a good reason to make these products legal. same argument for giving kids condoms.
a society needs standards to live by

So better to keep using an idea that doesn't work can costs a fortune rather than trying something else? Makes no sense to me.

Ah but why throw out the baby with the bath water? The solutions are probably somewhere in between. As for not trying something else all one has to do is look at other societies. Either way tons of money is being spent with minimal successful results. There will always be some kids that have a tough time with reality when they leave the comfort of home or the hell of it. There always will be people breaking relationships with others & some of those others resorting to drugs or booze for an easy fix but as soon as they realize there is no easy fix the better off they will be. Then there will be some that the medical doctors screw with like our neighbors across the street. She was put on Oxycontin after minor surgery which is a no no because of it's addictive qualities. She didn't feel that she could get off it & because she had a healthy inheritance she made the jump to H. Her husband was no wizard & joined in. Eventually she wound up at the hospital with gross sores all over & not knowing where her kids were. The courts took the situation under consideration & sent him to the joint for a year & her to a halfway house for 6 mo & the kids went to live with her mother in the meantime. They are all home together again after learning a tough lesson but it shows that if people actually care even the present system can work. If that had happened to me & my wife & kids at that age my folks would've told me that I was on our own & we would've lost the house & probably the kids forever. All the blame can't go on the law & the courts. Society I believe is just starting to realize that families need to stay together but with a few exceptions of course. We've seen in this country within families mostly that neither super strict ethics nor a complete break with ethics work.

Can't we all just get along? ;-)

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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