Strange you should mention total evacuation and desertion of the city. I was thinking that may be the only option, even after it is pumped out. No one knows what has happened to the ground structure; it may not be livable again and maybe it would just be best to let the Gulf have it's land back. Build New New Orleans on dry land to the north out of the major flood areas. Terrible thought, but................................

Possibly a huge port, that was truly hurricane proof, could be created after dredging out the old city, with sealed warehouses, etc. A dream?...............maybe...................

Probably be considerably cheaper and more effective than trying to save the old city. The money saved could rebuild the victim's homes and business' that were not covered by insurance.


From: "Wayne Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [H] It's bad, really bad - Katrina

At 05:15 PM 8/31/2005, Al typed:
We've been aware of New Orleans' inevitable horror for decades, and
absolutely nothing sufficient was done about it.  The levees, now broken
and filling the city, were supposedly designed to protect against a
Category Three hurricane, yet Katrina was only a Two when it hit.  It's
a major port, crucial to the nation.  Shouldn't everything have been
better and higher?

It was a 2 when it crossed Fla but it was a 5 Sunday nite & a 4 when it made landfall Monday morning as my wife & I watched it on CNN. CNN had reported that the eye of the storm was just past NO when the levee started to break apart. NO was thinking that they were spared since the storm track was East of the City. Can you imagine what it would've been like if the storm had stayed to the west.

FWIW a classmate of my wife was contacted Monday morning here in North Central Ohio by the Red Cross to go to NO & MS & he was en route Monday afternoon. FEMA people can't even pick up the dead bodies because there aren't enough morgues yet. This recovery stuff can not happen over night. There are many good people trying to help.

Why should the Federal government be responsible for where local governments say that it's ok to build? In 1960 I saw houses floating out to sea that were swept off it's peers. The Feds had almost no environmental housing building codes back then like they do now so to say they're doing nothing is false. Most of the buildings in the French Quarter & etc have been there for over a century. I went to an elementary school in NO & was terrified when I was told that the city was below sea level. I wonder if it wouldn't be cheaper & faster & safer for everyone to just evacuate the city totally & permanently.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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