Yeah, Time Warner here has told me that have suspended all distribution of
1394 devices and carry "none".  The tech I spoke to said "copyright issues"
prevent them from allowing units with turned on 1394 ports; therefore, I
have a Scientific Atlanta unit which has firewire ports.. that are dead as a

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hardware-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wayne Johnson
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:56 PM
> To: The Hardware List
> Subject: Re: [H] Any MythTV users out there?
> At 05:56 PM 1/21/2006, warpmedia typed:
> >TW was just an easy example that it's being done and the hoops they
> >might may you go through to get it. Notice it says you have to
> >specifically ask for that box and they like stonewall without that info.
> >
> >Not to mention they don't do this in (any?) other TW markets. When I
> >searched a few months ago for info on the Minnesota TW site there
> >was no mention of 1394, period. The site I quoted was for their
> >corporate headquarters region, no surprise they get it 1st.
> >
> >Let us know what happens!
> I called & the gal didn't even know what a firewire or 1394 port was
> for which doesn't surprise me because the installation technician
> didn't even know what size HD the thing had & freely admitted that no
> one had asked before.  The gal that I spoke to wanted to know what
> that thingy was used for & I told her to add an external HD for
> playback later just as it has an internal HD. She sounded amazed that
> one could do such a thing & stated that she would pass it on up to
> her supervisor & that I could expect a call next week. Sure I can &
> I'm holding my breathe as I wait too.
> ----------+----------
>     Wayne D. Johnson
> Ashland, OH, USA 44805
> <>

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