The funny thing is you have all these american car companies saying
it's soo hard to get off gas, do a google on Brazil and Ethanol, you
can get a car down there that will switch from deisel or gas to
ethanol with the flip of a switch so you can use what's convenient,
guess who makes those cars - Ford.

And the real kicker, the ethanol they are producing, based off cane
not corn packs more of a punch than gas.

Yes I realize the whole chicken and the egg, I'm not going to find
straight ethanol at the corner gas station.  Yes it would take some
sort of government mandate, but before you free market wonks ruffle
yourself over that, just don't, not with all the govt handouts being
given to the current energy industry.  Why is it that Citgo is being
investigated for setting up a program to give discounted oil/gas to
low income folks but exxon/mobil got barely a look for price gouging.

On 3/3/06, warpmedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Better we work on filtering technology then creating more nuclear waste
> that can't be gotten rid of, only stored. Then there's the issue that a
> nuke plant is essentially a dirty bomb ripe to be detonated.
> Fuel-cell + Battery + Ethanol sound like they could be good tech if
> that's what the market was buying as a whole for cars. Add to that,
> Solar could be viable to power homes.
> Chris Reeves wrote:
> > The reality is, though, the electric type cars, etc. all require you to
> > create energy somewhere.. I'm laughing a bit at places like Montana where
> > you've got a Governor asking to open up strip mining for more "coal based
> > solutions".
> >
> > Everyone is so terrified of Nuclear Power, which numerous other places in
> > the world use to great success, that they are willing to do almost anything
> > else with other permanent damage because they find it much easier to "sell".

-sapere aude

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