Hey ppl,

Lots of good replies from the group; 


"But I'm not about to feel guilty for buying and driving a vehicle I like and 
can afford."


Of the things to consider, the environment is not a factor. I have the
bucks and I want it. After all, it's all about me. 

"Until then (the pie in the shy perfect electric car), I'm going to buy
vehicles with big fat V8's."

I have a justification for my excess, because there is no alternative I
like. Because it's all about me, remember?


The most enlightened comment of the discussion:

"I think that's his point.  Either you honestly don't feel guilty, or 
you choose not too.  The question is - shouldn't one feel guilty 
about buying more of anything than one needs when there are other 
people in one's own country (I'm not talking Africa, I'm talking 
Canada and the US) who can't afford what they need?  Shouldn't one 
buy the vehicle one needs and then use any money saved on helping 
someone else?  I don't have an answer to this, and I certainly buy 
more than I need.  But I think in a world of finite resources, our 
consume as much as we can mentality is going to take us down a bad road."

Most got sidetracked with the 2500 lb error, which should have been
3500+ lb. 

A good side discussion on alternate energy was started.

But there was little on the idea of excessive lifestyle. Here is an

Has anyone reading this ever tried to get unbleached butt-wipe paper?
Whenever I ask, I'm looked at like I'm crazy.

The bleaching process is tough on the environment. and unnecessary.
Butt-wipe paper should be made of almost 100% recycled paper and most of
all unbleached. 

"Yuck.  I'm not wiping my ass with that!", Nothing but pure white paper
touches my ass; (to use 2 seconds and flush away)."

(I have had ppl react to the suggestion of unbleached TP; just that way.)

This is the kind of excessive lifestyle that is crammed down our ears by
the marketers.

Ever notice how much toothpaste is put on the toothbrush in the
commercial? It has to be at least three times what one would need. This
subconscious brow beating to excess is everywhere in advertizing.

Leading us back to my comment  

Blind greed capitalism has the Western Culture (double for Americans)
hoodwinked into thinking bigger, faster, more, and the some more after
that is the way to a happy life.

Buy now;  and save.


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