On 3/9/06, Mesdaq, Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Turkey is a great example of religious oppression not religious freedom.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hayes Elkins
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [H] Failure Cars Standard with Wings was....
> >From: "G.Waleed Kavalec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
> >To: "The Hardware List" <>
> >Subject: Re: [H] Failure Cars Standard with Wings was....
> >Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:57:51 -0600
> >
> >On 3/9/06, Chris Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > What has happened in numerous areas of the world is that religious
> >zealots
> > > of all forms - not just islam - take their faith so seriously that
> they
> > > use
> > > it as an oppressing hammer to beat the piss out of people.
> >
> >
> >
> >Excellent example: the neo-cons, controlled by the Radical Christian
> Right,
> >have killed AT LEAST 100,000 CIVILIANS in their war on Iraq.  Plenty
> >elsewhere, too.
> Link?
> >I would say something very offensive, but the reality is, the entire
> area
> > > needs to be modernized in a monumental way in regards to it's
> treatment
> >of
> > > women.
> >
> >
> >The myths about the treatment of women in Islam continue, I doubt I
> will
> >dissuade anyone here who simply want to believe them.  But for those
> with
> >any interest in the truth, try (again) doing a little homework: Study
> >Indonesia as a positive example - the largest Muslim country in the
> world.
> >Or are you of those who think Arab and Muslim are synonymous?  The
> reality
> >is that Arabs make up only 12% of Islam today.
> In other words, forget about the rest of the majority islamic nations
> and
> instead just pay attention to Indonesia, ignoring the REALITY (not a
> "myth")
> that women are treated as property or at best second class citizens
> elsewhere in the Islamic world. BTW, Indonesia's human rights record
> does
> not hold a candle to Turkey's. I'm surprised you do not use Turkey as a
> shining example of a free Islamic nation.
> >The reality is that Islam brought the idea tha woman could own and/or
> >inherit property to the Arabian peninsula 1400 years ago, at a time
> when
> >women pretty much WERE property in most of Europe.  Islam declared the
> >unthinkable notion that a woman could say "no" to an arranged marriage!
> >(Anyone wonder that Muhammad had his enemies?)
> And now muslim women are back to being property again. Funny that. 80
> lashes
> for you!
> >Actually you are close to decribing the reality happening in Iran
> today;
> >the
> >young are growing up with a taste for free expression, but with a
> healthy
> >disdain for the excessives of the west.  The hard-line Shi'a-extreme
> old
> >guard is scared to death of this, but so are Bush's puppet-masters.
> The
> >up-and-coming generation of Iranians have a dangerous combination: the
> >solid
> >ethical principles of Islam, and a clear picture of the modern world.
> >Nukes?  Screw nukes.  It is this new combination that frightens the
> >neocons.
> I think what scares any sane person the most about Iran is the newly
> madman president who calls for the destruction of Israel. The moderate
> youth
> of Iran need to try harder next time, I know it's tough considering many
> better canidates were removed from the electoral process.
> PS: I wonder if any of the European countries with holocaust denial laws
> have the balls to arrest Ahmadinejad the minute he steps foot into their
> country. I personally find the laws silly but whatever.

-sapere aude

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