On 3/9/06, Hayes Elkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Excellent example: the neo-cons, controlled by the Radical Christian Right,
>have killed AT LEAST 100,000 CIVILIANS in their war on Iraq.  Plenty
>elsewhere, too.


If you need a link you are too ignorant of current events to know how to use one.


In other words, forget about the rest of the majority islamic nations and
instead just pay attention to Indonesia,

No, just try looking at Islam as perceived in machismo countries vs. the way it manifests in non-machismo countries.  Lo and behold! we discover that cutlures carry their own baggage whereas faith can only be internalized by individuals; but I don't expect you to understand that.  Or acknowledge it even if you do.


And now muslim women are back to being property again. Funny that. 80 lashes
for you!

Again, your sources have an islamophobic bias so don't bother with spewing their garbage here.

I think what scares any sane person the most about Iran is the newly ELECTED
madman president who calls for the destruction of Israel.

Israel as it exists as a political entiry is a failed UN experiment.  An experiment that has cost more lives than the very Holocaust it was meant to atone for.

Muslim leaders were on-the-money with one thing: if Europe wants to atone for the six million they should do it with EUROPEAN LAND.  Get the fuck off of ours.

Muslims didn't kill six million Jews, y'all's kinfolk done that.  Historically it was in Muslim countries Jews sought asylum when Europe went on its periodic Inquisitional rampages.
(insert gratuitous Monty Python tangent here)

PS: I wonder if any of the European countries with holocaust denial laws
have the balls to arrest Ahmadinejad the minute he steps foot into their
country. I personally find the laws silly but whatever.

No more than Denmark had any balls to enforce its own anti-religion-defamation laws; funny that.

When expediency is king double standards are the norm.

G. Waleed Kavalec
"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and
explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts,
attitudes, and prejudice to be found only in the minds of men.
For the record, prejudice can kill and suspicion can destroy and a
thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its
own for the children... and the children yet unborn."
  Rod Serling, Twilight Zone narrative.
  "The Monsters are due on Maple Street"

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