At 02:04 PM 4/5/2006, Mesdaq, Ali typed:
Exactly what we were debating a few weeks ago. Where are those "I can
clean any infection" guys at now?

We're still here. Isn't it funny how MSFT does NOT address booting another OS even XP & cleaning these affected HDs? I've already successfully cleaned bugs with my XpPe disk that I could NOT have cleaned without booting another OS such as the Bagle & Netsky variants that shuts down anything with the AV name in it within 15 seconds such as the AV website so one can not do an online scan or allowing one to update their AV defs. Also we "can clean any infection guys" have never said that a wipe was never needed just that it's rarely needed. I've always been perturbed that MSFT has never provided a decent backup with ASR [automatic system recover] for Xp Home users.

I also find it interesting that I as a beta tester just rec'd email from MSFT asking me if I want to purchase a one year subscription to their Live OneCare for $20 that covers 3 computers. BTW I'm not violating any NDA as

There's still time to share the OneCare beta with friends and family. If they sign up for the beta, they'll also be eligible for the special $19.95 service subscription in April. There's more info on the <>OneCare website <>. For those who need no more convincing and are ready to sign up, you can direct them to the <>OneCare beta sign-up <>

but you only have til April 30th to sign up.

Danseglio said the success of social engineering attacks is a sign that the weakest link in malware defense is "human stupidity."

According to Danseglio, ......... "The easy way to deal with this is to think about prevention. Preventing an infection is far easier than cleaning up,"

  a Windows Xp based
Diagnostic & Recovery CD

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