Oh, I know the reason why, the idiot environmentalists in my and other
states.  :(

But they have not been valid reasons for a long time as far as I am
concerned.  As you said, the diesel of today is not what it was back in the

My concern is I want a small high mileage diesel pickup truck that I can
have now and that will last me a good many years.  Really a shame the rest
of the world can have them and we can't...

Hopefully with the new stuff coming out like the BlueTec and such, we will
see more and more consumer stuff here in the USofA sooner rather than

>>As far as why diesels for consumers are so rare, you can thank the 
>>antiquated hippy laws in states like California that perhaps at one point 
>>were noble due to diesel fuel being more polluting back in the 1970s. 
>>Newsflash moonbeams, it's now 2007 and standard diesel has come a LONG way 
>>as far as emissions, easily negating the need for these consumer bans. 
>>Biodiesel in fact is more clean burning than gas for every type of emission 
>>save for smog, it is nearly a carbon neutral fuel.

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