You're welcome for the link.

There's not just an IP involved here, but also a port.
Something else likely is 
using a port that homer needs to use. You run into
this when you try to run more 
that one of the same kind of client or server software
the needs a specific port 
on a machine.

A simple "netstat -a -b -n" at the command prompt
should tell you what ports are 
occupied on your machine and what Process & ID's (PID)
is responsible.

Not using FF yet? What are you waiting for, an
engraved invitation?

Need IE for a few sites? Stop running the Iexplore EXE
and use FireFox extension 
"IETab" to toggle what you are rendering through in
FF. I use it all the time to 
deal with M$ incessant need to "validate" me using an
activeX control when I 
want to download something. There is no true way to
make IE safe for general 
browsing, no matter what you add on.

DHSinclair wrote:

> j_maccraw - Thank you for the link to a newer
version of tcpview. That 
> did show me some very interesting stuff that just
generates more 
> questions, but does not show what I seek 4now. Thank
you for the newer 
> version. It is much better that the old version I
had been using.  
> Interestingly, I see nothing connected to
"" specifically.  I 
> do see lots of internal windows/? stuff connected to
> ports doing their thing. From what I can see, all
looks very normal and 
> placid.  Yes, I do see legitimate calls/connections
to all my LAN 
> clients (10.0.0.x) from eset's remote admin console
and remote admin 
> service.  I expect these and they do come and go as
I expect them to.
> Brian Weeden - Brian I do know that the ip addy of is both 
> non-routable and can not be resolved across my home
LAN.  This is not 
> what I was asking.  I am trying to find out
"who/what" is "attached 
> to/listening" to this internal ip addy in my server
that keeps a proggy 
> I am trying to use from working.  The proggy is
"homer" from 
>  Maybe this proggy is
lame............. :)
> Thane - You reply really has me scratching my head. 
I do not have a 
> router in play (yet).  I know that the ip addy is my
internal machine 
> loop-back address. But, whenever I try to run the
"homer" proggy, it 
> fails saying "someone else is camped out listening
to this address."  
> Well, Duh, yea, I would only hope my server (proper)
is listening to 
> its' loop-back addy (  As B4, maybe this
"homer" proggy is 
> truly lame.............. :)
> So, at this point, I may need to query FunkyToad
about this and the 
> "homer" proggy.  I will admit that the instructions
are sketchy at best, 
> but I am up for a challenge.  I only chose this
route because this 
> proggy is rated highly via the site.  And,
I am playing with 
> their latest "hosts" file. I am testing this "hosts"
file as an added 
> bit of protection for IE6.
> No, I am not ready to dump IE and goto FireFox! 
FireFox will not allow 
> me to do my banking biz. And, I am not ready for
multiple browsers.  
> Besides, this may be a future topic for me as I read
about the good/bad 
> from other List Members using FireFox!
> Best,
> Duncan

Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

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