OK. let me answer all of you collectively, sort of. I suspect I asked a shotgun question. What I have gotten back are laser beams. I am still confused. Hopefully, some of my answers will let you all know where I am. I freely admit that there is much about a server and the www that I do not yet understand. Have books, will read!

Rick - Went to Karen'sTools and checked. "WhoIs" to me is an outbound looking app. I am looking internal to a single LAN client. Nothing I see there is what I am looking for, but I will go back and recheck again.

j_maccraw - Thank you for the link to a newer version of tcpview. That did show me some very interesting stuff that just generates more questions, but does not show what I seek 4now. Thank you for the newer version. It is much better that the old version I had been using. Interestingly, I see nothing connected to "" specifically. I do see lots of internal windows/? stuff connected to "" ports doing their thing. From what I can see, all looks very normal and placid. Yes, I do see legitimate calls/connections to all my LAN clients (10.0.0.x) from eset's remote admin console and remote admin service. I expect these and they do come and go as I expect them to.

Brian Weeden - Brian I do know that the ip addy of is both non-routable and can not be resolved across my home LAN. This is not what I was asking. I am trying to find out "who/what" is "attached to/listening" to this internal ip addy in my server that keeps a proggy I am trying to use from working. The proggy is "homer" from FunkyToad.com. Maybe this proggy is lame............. :)

Thane - You reply really has me scratching my head. I do not have a router in play (yet). I know that the ip addy is my internal machine loop-back address. But, whenever I try to run the "homer" proggy, it fails saying "someone else is camped out listening to this address." Well, Duh, yea, I would only hope my server (proper) is listening to its' loop-back addy ( As B4, maybe this "homer" proggy is truly lame.............. :)

So, at this point, I may need to query FunkyToad about this and the "homer" proggy. I will admit that the instructions are sketchy at best, but I am up for a challenge. I only chose this route because this proggy is rated highly via the mvps.org site. And, I am playing with their latest "hosts" file. I am testing this "hosts" file as an added bit of protection for IE6.

No, I am not ready to dump IE and goto FireFox! FireFox will not allow me to do my banking biz. And, I am not ready for multiple browsers. Besides, this may be a future topic for me as I read about the good/bad from other List Members using FireFox!

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