Yes, I believe I got to visit your BBS onest or twicest just after you joined
the List and before you took the BBS down.  Long time ago....... :)
Back when I lived in sunny SoCal (where the sewer meets the sea!)
At 12:28 10/04/2007 -0400, you wrote:

At 11:33 10-04-2007, DHSinclair typed:
Yes, this works well too. But, usually only in major markets with many
choices.  Here in rural GA our choices are limited.

We use to be that way here in rural Ohio. I couldn't wait for broadband & got satellite [DirecPC] when we could afford it before it was 2 way even then cable & dsl came to town. Heck I was the 1st person in town on the Internet & made the front page of the local rag but before that I ran a BBS on a PC XT that I had souped up with a NEC V20 10MHz processor & a AST Sixpack Plus memory card with all of 4 meg of ram. Therefore "I feel your pain". ;-)

I'm a geek that loves to tweak.

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