Ah,......not sure how to answer the 1st question.
It is an Intel dual P3-1G machine running Windows
2000 Server. I do not think I use it as an FTP server,
a File server, a ??? server.  I admit, I am a 'server' noob!

OK, so WINS is somehow linked to the use of a DNS
server?  That would be a local DNS server on my local

Hmmm,  I have all my clients pointed to the
suggested DNS servers for my area in the Bellsouth
network.  I was using the Open DNS servers suggested
here some months back. It seems that ATT/Bellsouth
did not care for my using the Open DNS servers.  I got
lots of questionable connects in my router's status log
last week.

I suppose I really opened this can of worms because as I
was re-addressing all my NIC cards, they all bitched at me
if I left the WINS server addy blank!  So, I just put in the net
addy of my local server. "Local' as in right here, 18 inches
from where I sit and type this reply...... :)

OK, there is that word 'domain' again.  Recall that we spoke of
this before, but most of it went over my head. I parked the topic
until I could get the LAN re-addressed and BB working.
Now may be the time to grapple with it again.
I am clearly in over my head! LOL!

At 21:51 10/22/2007 -0400, j maccraw wrote:

What kind of server are you running?

No need for WINS if you have your own DNS server
running, even less so if
running a windows domain and everyone is a member.

DHSinclair wrote:
> What is the service name I  need to find on my
server to deals with a
> WINS Server?
> Can't find a similar service in the current stack.
I have all my clients
> pointed to my server as their "WINS Server."
> Is this OK?  No, I have not created a domain yet. Do
I need to?
> Best,
> Duncan
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