Not neccessarily. What you want to do is possible to do but you'd need an 
asterisk box or vmware image configured to recieve and forward calls from home 
to the new number.

Setting this up could be a major project though, if you haven't used 
asterisk/freepbx before. You might be able to have the phone company do a  
temporary call forward to the new number during your trip


Brian Weeden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Do I have to base everything off the 
Grandcentral number?  I would
prefer to have a system that used my current number instead.  I guess
I could get a US Grandcentral number and then forward that to the
prepaid number.  The problem with that is people that are in Canada
and call my Canadian cell would not get forwarded.

On Jan 10, 2008 4:34 PM, Robert Martin Jr.  wrote:
> I use Grandcentral. If you give out a grandcentral number to everyone you can 
> forward it to mulitiple phones, or to single phone and change which number it 
> forwards to whenever you like. While your gone forward to your cell and when 
> you get back change forwarding number to home phone again. This is nice 
> because if you move residence you still use grandcentral as the number and 
> forward to the new phone.
> It's been very reliable. I use grandcentral paired with gizmo on 
> PBX-in-a-Flash from nervittles, to provide a separate free number (VOIP) for 
> my step daughter that goes to her room. All the phone calls every evening 
> were bugging me and now they can talk all they want (incoming is free, 
> outgoing is cheap via Callcentric &
> lopaka
> Brian Weeden 
 wrote: I'm going to be spending the better part of a month traveling in the
> US for 2 weeks and then Austia for a week.  Right now I have a
> Canadian cell phone.  So I plan on getting prepaid SIM cards for the
> US and Austria so I don't have to pay roaming charges.  But this
> introduces the problem of letting people know my new numbers.  Instead
> of spamming my new numbers to all my contacts I'm looking for a more
> elegant solution.
> One way would be to record a voicemail greeting on my Canadian cell
> saying that I'm traveling and list my new number.  But I think there
> could be a better solution.  My dream solution would be to have calls
> made to my Canadian cell number automatically routed to whatever
> prepaid card number I am currently using.  Since I am going to be
> taking the Canadian SIM out of the phone to swap in the prepaid it
> needs to work without the actual phone being on.
> I've heard a lot about GrandCentral and was wondering if anyone on the
> list had experience with it:
> Can anyone think of another way to solve my little dilemma?
> -------
> Brian

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