I totally agree with Chris on this one. In the past 2-3 years I've noticed 
severe bloat in both norton and mcafee. I've seen more problems with both of 
these adversely affecting other software. I've had to fix a lot of boxes that 
had problems caused solely by mcafee (worse of the two IMHO) and norton 

I just tuned up a fairly new dell laptop for an employee and removed mcafee 
software because of problems it was causing. Guess what? After uninstalling the 
mcafee package, half the applications wouldn't work anymore. I had to use the 
restore feature to go back 2 days, then download a removal tool for mcafee to 
remove a huge amount of garbage that remains after the uninstall. 

Once I got that off, the machine works a lot better and has no remaining 
issues. I've had similar problems with norton last year and will never use 
either personally, or recommend either to anyone. 


Chris Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I don't generally give people a free if 
they don't want it. 

However, in regards to the theory that 'Paid is better then free'.  I would
counter that every time.  I've absolutely recommended Avast to numerous
people, including having them pay for the thing if they feel like it. 

Why?  There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest are:

* I've never seen more junky, bulky programs then the current versions of
Norton & McAfee.  I don't care about AVS Bulletin reports that show how well
they perform.. because they live in a kind of dream world in which everyone
is always 100% updated and nothing wrong happens.  Updating either of those
programs is a BITCH.  Out of the box, installing Norton 2008, your first
download (as of today) is 56MB(!)  For the love of pete, this is ridiculous.
While people don't like to think this way, we have a ton of people either
still on dialup or on life-line DSL (AT&T's 128k plan) so a download of that
size means they are taking tons of time... and how many do it?  Not as many
as we'd like to think.  Meanwhile, general updates for the free versions are
smaller; hell, I can download the whole program for less.

* Many of the 'features' in Norton/McAfee have an incredible propensity to
go wrong.  You know how many times I've had to use NRT (Norton Removal Tool,
available at their website) to get Norton off because it wouldn't uninstall
correctly or left Winsock broken?  The reason we even had to uninstall is
because of things like.. password lost on parental control features, in one
case a virus (which it didn't detect) immediately banged Norton's firewall
so the user was hosed.  

* McAfee's annoying pop-ups.  Please, if I want a program to continuously
pop up and tell me shit or offer me to buy other programs all the time, I
might as well be spyware infected.  McAfee's incessant offers and other BS
totally inert any reason to buy it.

* Both programs create a significant performance drop that doesn't equate to
the performance they do.

Of the paid AVs, ESET is the one that I would recommend most.. after
Symantec's embarrassing heuristic issues this year with Yahoo! Webmail and
Google (detecting as Feebs?) as well as their continued bloat....

Look, I have two offices that are small offices I see often.

One is setup with 6 computers, everyone running Avast and a ClarkConnect
Firewall with AV.  I've not had a single issue there in two years (virus

The other went all Symantec, with a Symantec Firewall w/AV and Small
Business Pack (which isn't corporate edition, damnit, but like a 5 pack of
standard Norton AV) .... 

Guess who I've seen at least a dozen times with issues?  Now part of it is
that I believe the ClarkConnect Firewall is infinitely better then
Symantec's, but still, the proof for me is right there in the pudding.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thane Sherrington
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 7:40 AM
To: hardware@hardwaregroup.com
Subject: Re: [H] Free AV ?

At 09:28 AM 11/01/2008, FORC5 wrote:
>Procrastination is king, some do. Most are just too stupid or just 
>plain lazy. I often wonder if they ever change their oil or check 
>their tire pressures.
>Good money on fresh installs when needed 8-)

I never give a free AV if they don't want one.  I'm not going to take 
responsibility and listen to them complain "But YOU told me to use 
the free one."


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