It is not always a security risk for a user to attach a flash drive. What, you think everyone there is an idiot but you? Please explain how connecting a flash drive to a PC means they are doing anything but working? Get real people. ARe you glued to your work every minute you are there? Do you really think people are drones who shouldn't touch "your" machines unless they are "working".

Ben Ruset wrote:
Yes you most certainly prevent people from attaching any sort of device to a computer.

How is this playing God if these are corporate PC's? Users plugging in ipods, flash drives, etc. is a security risk. End users should not be using their company owned computers for anything but doing work.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:

One of the big things I'm looking forward to is the new ability to block
hardware installation by device ID via GPO. I would absolutely love to
prevent people from attaching their iPods to machines on my network...\

You can't prevent people from attaching their iPods to their machines. Perhaps you can prevent them from using them as they are intended to be used....

But why do you need to play god?

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