What gives you the right to attach non-company owned equipment to a company owned PC? What happens if your flash drive caused a voltage spike and ruined the USB ports on the machine? Who is responsible?

There are plenty of good reasons to not let people bring removable media into work. Viruses, and the very real possibility that confidential data will find it's way to that USB drive and either be leaked, lost, or at best misappropriated.

I think that there are corporate standards, and if one of those corporate standards are "no outside devices" then thats what the policy is, and people either choose to accept that or find another job.

I don't ban USB drives and ipods at my office. But I can appreciate why some companies would see it as a security risk and want to act accordingly.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
It is not always a security risk for a user to attach a flash drive. What, you think everyone there is an idiot but you? Please explain how connecting a flash drive to a PC means they are doing anything but working? Get real people. ARe you glued to your work every minute you are there? Do you really think people are drones who shouldn't touch "your" machines unless they are "working".

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